Do you want to include keywords in the lyrics?
You can select keywords by clicking below and they will appear somewhere in the lyrics. Keywords can be edited through settings (upper-right corner).
When you're ready, hit Generate lyrics!
Select Next Line
No line cadidates where found!
Probably we could not find any lines with your keywords ({{keywords}}). Change the keywords and try again.
Something went wrong..
Hmm... this is embarrasing...
Well, something has gone wrong, please try again later, hopefully we will have fixed it by then.
×The curse of success...
We have hit the server limits.
DeepBeat got served! I guess you should try again later when there's potentially less traffic.
×Still getting the results...
Oooh, probably still warming up the engine.
It might take up to 30 seconds but it should get better in subsequent requests.
Song Details
Track: {{lines[selectedLine.index].generatedValue.meta.track}}
- (2022-11-12) Lyrics generation should be working normally again. Thanks for your patience!
- (2022-09-22) Lyrics generation hasn't been working for the past few months (due to Python 2 + some libraries not being supported anymore). We're looking into fixing the issue.
- DeepBeat has learned to speak for itself. Check out the video above for some synthesized rap.
- An updated version of the DopeLearning paper was accepted to the KDD conference, which will be held in San Francisco in August 2016.
DeepBeat is a program which uses machine learning techniques to generate rap lyrics by combining lines from existing rap songs. It tries to combine lines which rhyme and make sense together. For details, you can read our research paper titled "DopeLearning: A Computational Approach to Rap Lyrics Generation".
This service was created by Eric Malmi, Stephen Fenech, and Pyry Takala. We'd love to hear your feedback which you can send to Happy rapping!
To get started, you can simply hit 'Generate lyrics', which fills all empty lines. You can also create lyrics line by line, using 'Suggest (Rhyming) Line' buttons or by writing lines yourself. To edit settings, click on the upper right corner. There you can, e.g., add keywords which must appear in the generated lyrics or enable the deep learning feature, which is disabled by default for an improved performance.
Songs written with DeepBeat
Below you can find recorded songs written with DeepBeat. If you've recorded your own song written with this service, send us a link ( and it might get featured here!
More user-submitted songs:
;IGYSIX - The Code
MASTERLIZER - Always On Time (Remix)
Lil A.I. feat Cortana - Robot Takeover
As featured in